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How are people feeling about all the biblical signs we are seeing starting to take place?
47 Answers
- ?Lv 74 weeks ago
People have been thinking they see biblical signs ever since Protestantism came into existence a few hundred years ago.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
You mean like Anti Christ Trump?
- JeancommunicatesLv 74 weeks ago
I've seen them coming since the 1960s.
Engel v. Vitale in 1962 - The Court outlawed prayer in public schools
Roe v. Wade in 1973 - Court legalized abortion
Stone v. Graham in 1980-Court outlawed posting 10 Commandments in public schools.
Lawrence & Garner v. State of Texas in 2003 - Court struck down anti-sodomy laws & legalized homosexual behavior.
Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015 - Court legalized same sex marriage.
Today we see "Defund the Police" so lawlessness can prevail and violence spreads. The 60s began the sexual revolution which today spreads its filth all over the world in movies and promotes the LGBT community.
As sin increases the devil's influence increases even to the point of Satan worship. Witchcraft has spread abundantly which is forbidden by God. The morals of the USA are abominations which make desolate our land. Pestilence is upon us, but famine follows.
- ?Lv 54 weeks ago
People see what they want to see.
It does not mean much if the biblical signs does not have a time stamp to when it is going to take place. Many “biblical signs” have came and gone without ever being the “biblical sign”.
Any comments or saying now can become a prediction for future generations if it is remembered long enough.
- 4 weeks ago
There are always signs, right now there are a lot of them. But no man can or will know when it is nigh. But between the pestilence and plagues, the suffering and global violence and the rampant lying by all of the worlds leaders, these days seem to line up with the beginnings of the 7 years of tribulations.
We know God can lose his temper and it was a long time ago when he promised to never destroy the world again after the floods.
Perhaps he changed his mind again and decided to leave us to our own devices because he doesn't want us to do to heaven what we have done on earth.
- yesmarLv 71 month ago
I've seen no "biblical signs". I feel fine, thanks for asking.
Source(s): Jesus follower - Annsan_In_HimLv 71 month ago
I'm not going to vainly attempt to answer for "people". I can only answer for myself. I have been re-reading the Book of the Revelation, and note this: In every century since Jesus returned to Heaven, the riders of the Apocalypse have been riding forth so that we've seen wars, famines, plagues and death. But the Revelation shows all of that will increase, building up to Christ's sudden appearing at the last trumpet, when it will be too late for those who ignored the warning signs.
Many plagues are poured on to Earth, causing great suffering and death, and for the ungodly to curse God all the more-so. They do not repent and stop doing all the evil things that cause those plagues to come! So God increases those plagues as judgment. There are many biblical signs happening right now, too many to detail here. Those who have spiritual eyes to see can see them. Those with spiritual ears open to listen, hear the warnings, and heed them. But the Revelation shows that things are going to get a whole lot worse yet, especially for attacks on God's people who have fled from spiritual Babylon (the whore) and spiritual Babylon (that great city). We are not dismayed. We are braced.
- 1 month ago
If they don't start taking note, billions of people will be destroyed and never see paradise.
- Anonymous1 month ago
ALL Bible prophecy was completely and perfectly fulfilled by 1400AD.