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Why is the President, corporations and the media able to lie so much about the Georgia voting laws? Why are they not compared to Delaware’s?
Pearl, I wish this administration and media did not lie to the American public but this is the worst I have seen in my life
6 Answers
- GrayriderLv 61 month ago
@Houdini: You want examples of the lies. Everything Biden, corporations, and the liberal media say about the new Georgia law is a lie. Even The Washington Post gave Biden 4 Pinocchio's four his characterization of Georgia's election reform laws.
- BillLv 71 month ago
Because no one holds them accountable for their lies. If Georgia would start suing people for lying about their laws the issue would go away.
- 1 month ago
Let’s start with one you can understand. They are saying the polls close at 5, not true the time is 7:00
- HoudiniLv 51 month ago
please tell us what you think the President, corporations and the media are saying that are lies.