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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesVisual ArtsPhotography · 1 month ago

Is it acceptable or rude to send my photographer some examples of photos I'd like at our wedding?

I don't want my photographer to think she doesn't know how to do her job if I send her some photos of poses I'd really like her to capture for me. But at the same time I'd really like to have certain photos! Is it acceptable to email her 4-5 photos of specific shots I'd really like her to take of my soon-to-be husband & I or would that just be rude? Thanks!

7 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    As long as the nudes are tasteful I see no problem with it. 

  • 4 weeks ago

    Not it's not rude if you ask her to include some poses similar to the ones you have shared with her.  She probably has them on her list of shots for weddings already.

  • keerok
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    In this case, asking specific shots or poses isn't rude. What can be rude however, is how you say it. I've had my fair share of those but still, I've always complied with all of my clients' requests. It's their money and more importantly, it's their faces. The tricky part is how to magically make the shot come out fabulous no matter how much you disapprove of it. Hahaha!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Not rude at all.  Simply ask your photographer if it's okay for you to send example photos of what you want.  After all, the job of the photographer is to make YOU happy and provide YOU with the work product that YOU want and paid for.  Now, if you were to walk up to a random photographer during a shoot and try to explain what shots he/she should be taking, well then, that's just rude.

  • 1 month ago

    Any good photographer should take interest in what you want to see in your finished wedding album.  Any good one should also be able be honest if he/she feels you are being overly demanding.

    If you cannot have an honest conversation with a person to whom I'm guessing you're paying thousands of dollars, you may want to consider another photographer.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    It’s not rude. You’re paying her so she has to do what you want. If she doesn’t then hire another someone else. 

  • 1 month ago

    You can send either photos or a written description.  The photographer WANTS to include shots that you will like, so it's fine to let her know what you especially hope for.  When you send her the stuff you can of course reassure her that you are also interested in whatever she thinks should be documented.

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