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Do you believe in other humanoids other than Homo Sapiens (evolved apes) and can you prove that they exist?

The media portrays other humanoids like Klingons look like dogs to me. Zora are evolved fish in The Legend of Zelda plus the Lizalfo who is a lizard humanoid. frogs and especially Cats have a lot of anthropomorphic drawings on the web. Are Centaurs, Minotaur, and Fauns real hybrids of cross species? 


"Why not have more arms" like Sheeva from Mortal Kombat?

"You Watch Star Trek and play Zelda?" I watch Star Trek a little and play Zelda a lot, because it's my favorite franchise in the world.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    What a nerd. You watch Star Trek and play Zelda? Get a life!

  • 4 weeks ago

    Homo sapiens are not humanoids, just so you know, they're just human.

    But since that's not what you asked, no and no.  In that order.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Not any more.  There used to be quite a few other human species, (H. neanderthalis, H. florensis H. denisova etc.)

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Humanoids form is example of bad evolution. Why not have more arms, compound eyes, etc

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