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How does making Washington DC a state make USA better?
14 Answers
- ?Lv 71 month ago
That would be a complete step in the wrong direction. Washington DC is a city, NOT a state. Or you're going to have fifty other large cities applying for statehood.
- Anonymous1 month ago
Because it will allow the AMERICAN CITIZENS who live there to ALSO HAVE senate representatives.
Why should they pay taxes if they are not allowed to have representation?
- Anonymous1 month ago
maybe cause you are triggered
Source(s): pearl - ?Lv 71 month ago
It doesn't. It confuses the lines and the reasons for DC not being in a state. It's a power grab that the Democrats want. They are all about ensuring an advantage in the government.
- u_bin_calledLv 71 month ago
isn't it interesting how the statues come down and within a couple years so many have forgotten about the Missouri Compromise....?
- BillLv 71 month ago
It doesn't. It just allows democrats to have more electoral votes. Also, people don't have to live in an area they know is not treated as a state. lol
- Elwood BluesLv 71 month ago
It eliminates a terrible case of taxation without representation. People in the District pay more taxes than 22 states, but they have no representatives voting on how to spend those taxes. I'm sure you remember from your history how reprehensible our Founders considered taxation without representation. Or do you consider it OK to deny representation to those who disagree with you?