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Does it concern anyone the lengths the left is going to in an effort to punish those that they do not agree with policy wise?
? Cases against Trump, cases against people who said the election and vote count had problems. If I take the left’s view of follow the science, the science of statistics indicates that many strange things happened with the vote. To make it easy go to yahoo news
11 Answers
- Anonymous1 month ago
What concerns me is people posting their opinions about things that have nothing to do with Religion or actually asking an information-seeking question.
- Anonymous1 month ago
NCWJ: They would kill us if they could.
REALLY? Of all the people here, you are going to say that? Half the users on this site identify you as someone who posted on this forum that he (you) mentally abused his wife until she committed suicide. The basic arrogance and narcissism you must have, to play TWO FACE like that, is beyond measure.
- Anonymous1 month ago
You mean the way the right has always destroyed the lives
of people not aligned with their cult crap? SERIOUSLY??
You must be f***ing kidding saying this, with all the lives that the right has destroyed.
- Anonymous1 month ago
While I was working today I dropped a piece of metal across L1 and L3 of a local disconnect. The surge went thru 3 swperste breakers until one tripped. That fact concerns me more then the mistake I made.
About 8 minutes of heck trying to restore the 3-phase 460 power. So embarrassing.
- 1 month ago
Anonymous, That one incident has been used over and over. How about the leftist that formed their own country in Seattle? There are hundreds more you can use from the left, do those concern you? Seeing the actions do not concern you what about when the left comes after you
- 1 month ago
They would kill us if they could, Unfortunately we are clinging to our guns and our bibles
- Anonymous1 month ago
When this is how "those that they do not agree with policy wise [sic]" behave, no, it doesn't concern me in the slightest.
By the way, "the science of statistics" indicates no such thing. Sixty one opportunities in court for Trump's lawyers to provide evidence of voter fraud, not once did they provide even one piece of evidence that it occurred. What's more, Trump's own hand-picked appointees, AG Barr and FBI Director Rosen, each had their agencies, the DoJ and the FBI, run independent investigations into every single claim over fraud and voter irregularity, and each independently found that not only were the claims false and politically driven but even ended up finding through their independent investigations that the election was carried out fairly and that there conclusively was no basis to yours and Trump's allegations, no voter fraud or voter irregularities that would have changed the outcome of the election.
Source(s): "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." -James Waterman Wise