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Biden’s comments about Georgia voting laws; outright lies or dementia comment?
Hungryjoe, is an uninformed voter
5 Answers
- 1 month ago
Anonymous, do your own homework, should take under 30 seconds. Washington Post gave him four Pinocchios
- ?Lv 71 month ago
He was coached to Lie by his handlers, who know that his cult followers will believe anything that the 'Sweet Old Guy' says.
- ?Lv 71 month ago
I remember one lie Biden told about Georgia changes in voter laws is that Georgia expanded the time people could vote to 21 days. Biden lied and said it was less. He's a Democrat, long-term politician phony person, who isn't aging well in the head, so it could have been a senior moment.
- ?Lv 71 month ago
The eagle flies on Friday and Saturday I go out to play. In Biden's case Jim Eagle is being confused with Jim Beam. LOL