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Are we so divided as a nation that we should form separate countries. I have nothing in common with the left?
?, why is it stupid? The left and right disagree on the foundational concepts and you need those to build a strong country
From the answers I see that the country should be run there way and if it is that is perfect. It is funny one even thanks me for hating America, funny because I am not the one trying to redefine America
?, Where did I advocate for a single party system? I said the foundational concepts were to divided. Parties can disagree on how to achieve the concepts and still work toward them. The left supports murdering the unborn, the right does not, seems like no middle ground.
13 Answers
- mustagmeLv 71 month ago
I'm getting to this point too. The blue states would be bankrupt or conquered within 5 years, so it doesn't matter to me. For me, I'll chose the nation that upholds what America stands for: Capitalism, Christianity, freedom to bear arms, and freedom from government tyranny.
- Elwood BluesLv 71 month ago
bad idea. If we did, the left would end up with most of the nation's economic productivity, while the right wing turned into a 3rd world country.
- Anonymous1 month ago
I have been discussing politics w/ people for decades and have always found common ground because invariably, we all have the countries best interest at heart. You would be a first in my life as someone w/ nothing in common w/ a political wing. Because you indicated the left wing, that tells me your authoritarianism is running amok. This means you blame minorities, are politically selfish, intolerant etc. You're too distraught.
- Anonymous1 month ago
You have one thing in common with our enemies, your American and they are glad to kill any American, liberal or conservative they don't care
- Anonymous1 month ago
If you don't like America you're free to leave.
- ?Lv 71 month ago
Seems like a pretty stupid idea.
> ?, why is it stupid? The left and right disagree on the foundational concepts and you need those to build a strong country
So you're advocating for a single-party state? How well have those turned out? Something like the CCP in China, the Worker's Party in Korea? Vietnam, Cuba, Eritrea, Western Sahara, Burma, Laos, and Bermuda?
- Anonymous1 month ago
You’ll be happier if join the left