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Why are the left obsessed with releasing evil into society? ?
James, Are the facts we see on the news false? You sound like a leftist and they don’t like one calling it fake news.
6 Answers
- Never PolledLv 61 month ago
It is a symbiotic relationship. A recent example is how Joe O'Biden appointed Joe Manchin's wife to head up a Commission on Appalachian Poverty as a way to funnel money to to secure Joe Manchin's support on Joe O'Bidens upcoming gun grab. To be fair, it's not just the left, everybody's doing it.....think big pharma and the vaccination agenda or O'Biden shutting down the pipeline to repay Warren Buffet for his political support.....Buffet owns the major rail serves that moves the nations oil and gas......and you thought it was an environmental issue?
- 1 month ago
Criminals. Look at Kim Fox in Chicago. How about decriminalizing all sorts of crimes. How about late term abortion. How about the release of murders. What about importing criminals? Creating thought crimes. If you are so blind that you have to ask what evil, you are part of the problem
- Anonymous1 month ago
They released a tranny on society, trans is the demond!
- hungryjoeLv 61 month ago
And what evil would that be then John-boy?
Care to elaborate?
Or is your "question" just the thinly veiled insult that it plainly appears to be?
- Anonymous1 month ago
What is the "evil" of which you speak?