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Based on what Biden is doing to the military is it time to hope for a military take over. Better our own military than another countries. ?
James, so original, seems to be a talking point of the left when they cannot answer a question
? Maybe you should do some research.
Weasel, Get your mind engaged and do some thinking
6 Answers
- RICKLv 71 month ago
Biden is improving the military
All senior military people are behind him 100%
Source(s): Retired military who still works at a military base - Weasel McWeaselLv 71 month ago
awwwww , --still sore ya lost?
Yeah, that's a pity.............Biden is doing great. Try to deal with it.
- 1 month ago
Anonymous, no, hoping that the military saves the country. Think for yourself and do some thinking
- Anonymous1 month ago
Another Trump cult member wanting to overthrow the government.