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Do women realize that I don't need them or are the narcissistic and think that men need them in their lives?

Honestly I am a lot more happier without any women in my life and I want to keep it that way, I never needed a woman and I never will. I can do everything myself and I am independent. I have no desire to impress any woman and do what a woman wants me to do, I depend on myself for my own happiness and not from women. 

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Women are devious and manipulative harridans.

    They should be ignored.  

  • 1 month ago

    Most people are indifferent to what anyone as an individual wants. Having a woman in your life and being in a couple can bring warmth and affection with the right one.But there could be many disadvantages such as losing some independence. A good relationship is where you reach compromise not about a woman controlling a man or man controlling a woman. 

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Only delusional women think that they are needed by men, rational women know that men do not need them.

  • 1 month ago

    I'm pretty sure most women these days realize that men can live without women since more and more men are choosing to be single and living the single life has never been more satisfying cause when you are single you feel free and you are free. I myself also do not need any woman to complete me and i don't seek approval from any females whether young or old. Men can provide for themeselves and they can cook and clean on their own, no man in this world needs a woman. 

    Been single for 20 years and i am loving it. I live in a big house and i can buy whatever i want whenever i want since i am not spending any money on a woman and her kids :)

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