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Anonymous asked in SportsCycling · 2 months ago

How much would I get pawning my e-bike?

During the pandemic I thought it would be a great idea to buy an e-bike to ride around empty streets on. So I bought one for $900 and rode it once which was really fun. Then it started attracting thieves who would follow me around which made me nervous that they would run me over and steal it.

I can't sell on ebay cause I can't ship it due to cost and no box. So is it a good idea to sell it to a pawn shop?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Sell it on Craigs List for cash.

  • 2 months ago

    So, let me get this straight...  You spent $900 & now you're afraid to ride it.  What's wrong, can't handle all that extra speed?  Use a little common sense, if you have any.  If thieves run you over while on the bike, both you & the bike are now useless.  Thieves steal bikes improperly or poorly locked up.     

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  • 2 months ago

    Let's say it's still brand new & unused.  A pawn shop MIGHT give you 25% of that $900 new price tag.  Used...they'll give you maybe 10% of the retail price.

    Idea #1) Sell it on Craigslist!!!  It's free to use.  It's local  The buyers come to you.  Never, EVER agree to meet someone in the parking lot of a McDonald's - or other public place.  It could be a set-up for thieves.  Make them come to you.  If you don't like what you see thru your window - simply call off the deal.  

    Idea #2) If someone runs you over, the e-bike could get heavily damaged too, making it IMPOSSIBLE to resell or ride.  In the THIRTEEN years I've been getting around without a car, nobody has tried to run me over.  And the retail price on my latest acquisition was MORE than your e-bike; $1,000 to be exact.  Buy a damn good U-Bolt lock & cable.  LOCK IT UP securely anytime you walk away from it away from home.  See link from Kryptonite...

    Here's how a gimpy, old man still gets around WITHOUT e-assist...a heavy @ss, steel frame "touring bike".          

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  • 2 months ago

    If it's a reputable pawn shop you'll need ownership paperwork. Even then don't expect more than $50 if it's still in excellent condition. A somewhat less than reputable pawn shop might give you $30 without paperwork. 

    You should try to get back on your meds and let your therapist know your paranoid delusions are occurring again.

    Source(s): Motorized bicycle owner and builder.
  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Pawn shops pay very little for anything. You are better off selling it on eBay. You will need help taking the bike apart and fitting it into a box for shipping, but the cost for doing it would be recovered when you sell your bike. BTW, the pandemic is not over. Not by a long shot. If you stop wearing face masks and take necessary precautions, you can wind up in the hospital or worse. 

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