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Anonymous asked in SportsBoxing · 2 months ago

Did Floyd Mayweather win the lottery? ?

I always see him counting money he laid out on a bed or on a desk.

7 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    He is probably smarter in negotiating his contracts when he fights than almost anyone else I can think of in the History of Boxing. if you pay attention to Pay Per View Buys for example, Mayweather has drawn more Pay Per View Buys than anyone in History. He was also smart enough to negotiate a percentage of the revenue streams from his fights. He's a smart man. You do know he lives in Las Vegas? He's been pretty astute when it comes to gambling as well.

  • Rita
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Floyd Mayweather reportedly drops $2,000 on Mega Millions tickets. Don't feel bad if you spent $2 on a Mega Millions ticket Friday and did not win the jackpot. Feel good. Undefeated boxing champion Floyd Mayweather reportedly spent $2,000 Thursday trying to win the $1 billion jackpot, and he didn't win, either.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Im not sure but i think a lot of it was just borrowed from his friend 50 Cent. And he took a picture 📷 to make it look like a lot of money💰

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    maybe hes very rich

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    He's astronomically overpaid and loves to flaunt his wealth. One day, he'll come unstuck and regret it. 

  • 2 months ago

    He wins most things

    Good morning Jean, how is the birdy ?

  • jean
    Lv 4
    2 months ago

    he is a real show off, raving about all the women he has

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