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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationBoard Games · 3 months ago

Can I get cursed by a oujia board if I’ve never played it or even seen one in real life?

So basically I was on the phone and said some of my friends were playing with a oujia board as a joke when they really weren’t I said it maybe a couple months ago and thought nothing of it but I’ve been thinking about it lately and am really scared the oujia ghost will haunt me for the rest of my life.I’ve never had one or even seen one in real life and have never actually played with one neither have my friends will the demon haunt me pls someone help I’ve been stressing about it for a while now and need help


Also I’ve always believed that a curse is a mind game that’s being played based off of stress and anxiety is that where this “curse” feeling is

4 Answers

  • 3 months ago
    Favourite answer

    You can't get cursed by an ouija board in any way shape or form, no matter how close or how long you have been in contact or someone thinks about you when in contact.  It is a fairy tale.  Ouija boards work by simple subconscious micro-actions, not due to any mysterious spirit.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Follow up question what if I had an illusion that I was doing something on my phone and said to some people that my friends I was with were playing with a ouija board and it felt like they were but in real life no one was there.It was kinda like I was pretending to be in a place that me and my friends were also in and I was doing something and I turned around and they were looking at a ouija board online and I said that they were playing with it and I turned back to them and they didn’t have it anymore.Will that illusion I had curse me because of what I said because I said they had a ouija board even though they weren’t playing with it and that it wasn’t real it was an illusion (feel free to answer with the blue answer button) I’m guessing what I am asking will the demon behind the ouija board haunt me in anyway because I said they were playing with it in the illusion I had or will it haunt me in anyway because I saw that they were playing with it when I wasn’t in real life? Am I cursed because of this

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    The ouija board is a toy.  It does not communicate with the dead or with demons and does not have ghosts.  You can frighten children by pushing a glass around the board to spell out words.  

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Get a grip ffs.   

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