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I just signed up to a weekly draw on the lottery, when do you think I will get to cash the big £££££££?
10 Answers
- Anonymous2 months ago
probably never.......................
- 3 months ago
It depends. However I do have a guy on the inside who I can get ahold of for you. All he'll need is your credit card number and social security. Shouldn't be a problem though, you can just DM it to me and I'll sort it out. Best Wishes.
Source(s): I got a guy - garryLv 63 months ago
you might never get the big cash , lucky if you make the cost back . the operator gets40% , the british government get 15% tax on all invested and you and a million others get whats left over , in america you win 100 million and you taxed a further 50% , americans get to much tax and is payed from the winnings .
- 3 months ago
The Mega Millions big stake has move over the $300 million imprint.
With nobody hitting every one of the six numbers in Friday late evening's drawing, the top prize has flooded to $314 million for the following drawing on Tuesday. And keeping in mind that the situation is anything but favorable for a big stake win — your possibility is 1 in around 302 million — eventually somebody will get outrageously fortunate.
Obviously, that favorable luck would likewise accompany an extraordinary measure of cash. Furthermore, specialists suggest that huge lottery victors make strides immediately to ensure their bonus.
- Anonymous3 months ago
Tomorrow or Tuesday
- Anonymous3 months ago
You're statistically more likely to be struck by lightning.
- ?Lv 73 months ago
Well I have been playing the same set of numbers since 2007 , I play both weekly Lotto draws and generally my luck amounts to matching three numbers and receiving the minimum prize . This happens about twice a year .Once I did match four but it seemed a lot of people one on that draw and I think I got less than £30 for it . Nowadays you get £30 for matching three .