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Does it look unprofessional for a client to give their psychologist a birthday card or Christmas card with money or a lotto ticket?
6 Answers
- sparrowLv 73 months ago
Don't give money. The lotto ticket is okay.
It's a nice thought. Just give them some
Christmas cookies.
I'm not sure why people are saying it's unprofessional.
You are the patient. You are not expected to be "professional."
Only the doctor is.
I just think giving money is a little too personal.
- choko_canyonLv 73 months ago
It doesn't LOOK unprofessional, it IS unprofessional as well as being inappropriate.
- ?Lv 73 months ago
Professional implies that there is a working or business relationship between the persons. Money or a lotto ticket in a professional setting is unprofessional.
In terms of a client giving money or a lotto ticket to a paid professional with whom they have no professional or personal relationship, it is unprofessional or even bribery.