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13 Answers
- Chuck NorrisLv 53 months ago
You already are free as a bird because only a bird would post a philosophical question in the botany category. Favorite answer please, trying to reach Level 100.
- ?Lv 73 months ago
Be willing to go about naked, eating worms out of the dirt and pooping anywhere on anyone.
- Anonymous3 months ago
There is no such thing as absolute freedom. It depends on your feeling. I.e. before been targeted by a soaring hawk, a bird could fly freely as it likes. No matter how you get pompous, It won't make any difference. If jumping off a roof, the free feeling maintains until touching the ground.
- StevenLv 73 months ago
Birds are not free. They live short lives desperate to reproduce before they die to maintain their population. "Freedom" just means unaware of any ambitions beyond your current situation. Dare I say "stupid". Animals wild and domestic are "free" because they have no responsibilities beyond their instinct. Being cast out of the garden of Eden means loosing your "freedom" to live and die a dumb animal, ie given the knowledge of good and evil.
- 4 months ago
Completely liberated" is a tune initially made and recorded in 1977 as a home demo by John Lennon. In 1995 a studio variant of the chronicle, fusing commitments from Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, was delivered as a solitary by the Beatles, 25 years after their separation.
- KillmousekyLv 74 months ago
Sit on a fence. You'll soon be caught & eaten by a cat. "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."