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Why oh kind sir why Indian government should put an embargo on Australia for the racist abuse of SCG crowd, what's your say?


I am personal friends with the Indian Prime Minister and several high powered members of the Indian government. I am a large doner to the BJP. I will mention this to them when I am talking with them next. The Indian Prime Minister often asks for my advise and acts on it.

Update 2:

Hercules Zing keep doing your racist bigotry and anti India exremism. It gives fuel to my fire. Play with my fire and you will get burned.

Update 3:

Cutrisspots2 I have wealth and power beyond your wildest dreams. I am a martial arts expert and a former Special Forces Operative.

5 Answers

  • Scozbo
    Lv 5
    3 months ago

    I think it is important to firstly be certain that racial abuse took place... I’m not sure that this has been shown conclusively yet.

  • 4 months ago

    The Indian president would regard you as a name dropping peasant. He wouldn't fart in your general direction. 🤣

  • Cee
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Get back in your box, fool.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I will leave it in your hands Ashish, as you obviously know the right people.


  • 4 months ago

    'Play with my fire and you will get burned.'

    That sounds like a threat. 

    I don't think the Aussies are at all concerned about your fantasies about knowing important people.

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