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Road trip getaway from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, then returning... on a Holiday weekend..?

Well, last year we went to Vegas on Labor Day weekend, decided to come back to L.A. on Monday (Labor Day itself), stuck in traffic ALL DAY. So just curious how bad could it be leaving on Sunday as opposed to Monday?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    If you take 15, should be a blast. Vegas bars are open, apparently.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    oh you poor baby, being stuck in traffic all day. and now you want to come during a fcking pandemic. i don't feel sorry for you. stay your a*s in california, where you refuse to wear masks and spread covid even more. go away. 

  • MS
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    You would face much less traffic returning on a Sunday of a holiday weekend.  

  • 4 months ago

    Do you mean "last year" or 2019?

    Whether on a Sunday or the last day of a holiday weekend, if you don't leave very early or very late (before 8:30 or after 10pm) traffic from LV to LA can be a bear.

    But when I drove back on Sunday, Dec 27 I missed this window and left about 10am and it took 4H 15M with one 20min stop.

    When I have left at 10pm on a busy weekend, I've never had traffic problems.

    Leaving on Sunday of a 3 day weekend, is not a high traffic time.

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