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Anonymous asked in TravelUnited StatesLas Vegas · 4 months ago

Pros and cons of living in North Las Vegas Nevada?

Planning on moving to North Las Vegas Nevada from S.C. I don't have any kids, I work hard, I don't gamble, party, or drink (just wine every now and then). I'm in my 20's and I love to travel.

4 Answers

  • X
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    It’s a bad bad area. North Vegas has always been bad. In Nevada all the North cities are very rough. North Las Vegas, Reno’s North Valley’s, etc. Much better places to live in and near Vegas. Do research my friend. Also in terms of politics Vegas is a liberal shitland. The North part of the state like Reno is a lot less liberal but is considerably colder and higher in elevation.

  • 4 months ago


    currently has astronomical unemployment - if you don't have a job waiting for you, don't expect to have one any time soon.

    NLV isn't really close to anything.

    It's a desert island everything is 2+ hours away

    it's got hella high utility costs

    too hot to do anything 7 months out of the year.


    Housing is going to be extremely cheap the longer the pandemic is and the longer the casino workers are out of jobs. 

  • 4 months ago

    If you don't gamble, party, or drink why do you want to move to the Las Vegas area?

    Pros - relatively cheap housing, for travel there are a lot of flight into/out of Vegas and often times cheap, relatively easy drive to many places in CA, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, CO,  etc. If you like to visit national parks and such it can be a decent home base.

    Cons - ridiculously hot in the summer (average high in July is 106F, that means many days are over 110F)

  • Rick
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Close to 'Area 51', I live an hour south of Vegas. ........................

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