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Anonymous asked in TravelIndiaOther - India · 5 months ago

Do you think athletes should be treated preferentially in high school or college? ?

5 paragraph 

5 Answers

  • Athletes shouldn't be treated preferentially in high school or college. Why they need to treat like...

  • 3 months ago

    No. Athletes should not be treated preferentially in high school or college. 

  • 5 months ago

    No. They need to be treated the same as all students.

    If they want to graduate, then they need to get the passing grades required like all students.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Questions about the answerer are not allowed here.

    All highschool-students should be treated as equal.

    Just because someone is athletic, doesn't mean (s)he has what it takes to graduate from grammar-school or go to university

  • y
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    No I do not but they are, even in systems were athletics are not the top dog. Athletes are given more leeway in many, many situations. From grades to behavior and everything in between. Was like that in the 70's when I was in school, was like that last year, my youngest last year in high school. Now in college, it seems some coaches, like hers, can bend the virus rules the college has a bit and such. I'm not comfortable with some of these off campus practices the coach has, they don't seem to be safe.

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