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Anonymous asked in TravelGermanyFrankfurt · 6 months ago

Is Germany diverse? ?

I'm from Colorado l, and will be moving to Frankfurt, Germany once I graduate LPN school next November. I dont want to play theel race card, but are black people accepted over there? In Colorado it's very diverse due to having Fort Carson, Peterson afb, and I don't remember the last base here. Im just so scared I won't fit in and I obviously have no support system over there.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    I'd suggest you'll find that if you make an attempt to fit in, learn the language and behave yourself, skin colour won't be an issue.   If you have a school position lined up, you should be fine.   Open your mind and don't force 'America' on the locals either.   How people react to you may of course, depend on past experiences of the individual.   But that's not really any different to living in any new place (or old!!).

  • Orla C
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    Racism is illegal in Germany.  You'll probably do far better with the locals if you have some German. And what's your visa situation? 

  • 6 months ago

    On what visa do you plan to move to Frankfurt? 

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Whether you will fit in depends on whether you learn German or not, rather than on your skincolour.

    A small minority of germans is racist, but in general the germans do not pretend that humans come in races

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    You would probably get better answers if you moved this to a Germany related section and not the US travel section.

    Also, the other bases in COS are Schriever, Cheyenne Mtn, and USAFA.

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