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Kenny asked in TravelGermanyOther - Germany · 6 months ago

What is the process of moving to Germany from USA?

I would really like to move to Germany in a year to a few years. I've started a German language refresher course. I took Ap German in high school, but am aware that will not get me far. I'd like to find out about the different permits and if it's hard to get accepted into the country. Is there anywhere I can find this information? 

6 Answers

  • 6 months ago

    I wish you can find here the information you are looking for

  • 6 months ago

    You can find the requirements on German consulate and Embassy websites. You need to apply for a residence visa if you want to stay in Germany for more than 90 days. Generally you would need to be recognized as a skilled worker before you can apply. See: . For now there are travel restrictions due to the pandemic..

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    step one: make sure there's a steady job waiting for you there (...)

  • 6 months ago

    If you want to move to Germany permanently then marry a German citizen who can sponsor you fro immigration.  

    If you want to attend university in Germany you need to be at least very proficient in spoken & written German before you apply for admission to the university.

    There is no realistic way for a citizen of a non-EU country to work in Germany. 

  • 6 months ago

    Are you looking to study, or to work?

    Either way, you'll need a visa, and you'll need to be fluent to a high technical level (not basic school level). 

    If you want to study, you'll need a university place and proof you can afford it.

    If you want to work, you'll need to meet the requirements for a qualifying job, generally STEM requiring experience in specialist fields. Germany has the whole EU to work with; if you have no qualifications, they won't need you. 

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