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Anonymous asked in TravelCruise Travel · 8 months ago

Is it inappropriate?

A man that I was seeing briefly after becoming friends (we talked,sexted, talked about going on a date but never got to then broke up and remained friends) still sends me sexual memes and jokes sometimes (about naked women, girls getting dirty in the sheets vs being decent on the streets etc ) is it weird if we're friends now and we shouldn't be sexually frank anymore should I not be responding to this or is it fine to just lol at it ...


He calls me his bestie and we still hang out

7 Answers

  • pmt853
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    It seems to have been inappropriately posted to the "Cruise Travel" section of Y!A. If you need to ask it should probably stop.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 months ago

    If you don't like what he's doing - block him!

  • 8 months ago

    Yes, it is inappropriate for this question to be in the Cruise Travel category.

  • Den B7
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    This is what cruise veterans call Carnival class.

  • 8 months ago

    It would be OK on a cruise.

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    First, I don't really see what this has to do with “Food and Drink”.

    Second, since you are still friends and accept the behaviour you describe and respond then it can't really be called “inappropriate”.

  • Robert
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    If it bothers you do not participate.  You are actually not friends.  Aside from a few sexts, you don't actually know each other.  You apparently are a sex aid when he wants to get off and nothing more. On the other hand if you can accept your real position in his life and get something out of it, go for it.

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