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WhoMe? asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Search · 12 months ago

Free "People Search"?

Is there any people search (that includes addresses and phone numbers) out there that you don't have to pay for or sign-up for a subscription? It's just nuts that you have to pay for something that used to be free, back in the "old days".

6 Answers

  • 9 months ago

    What info are you searching for?

  • 11 months ago

    Yes yes...........

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago doesn't have everyone, but it's got a lot of people.

  • 12 months ago will look at a name and come back with phone numbers (not always correct) and addresses (also not always correct). In other words, you get what you pay for.

  • 12 months ago

    Whitepages is the only one that comes close, but it rarely works. Also, you can only search for adults.

  • 12 months ago

    The old days are long gone.  Looking up a phone number is one thing - and you had to KNOW the address to get to the number.  And that is all that it got you.

    Nowadays there is far too much personal information on just about everybody out there somewhere, and many unscrupulous people (not to mention companies) who make unethical or immoral use of it for their own advantage.  And that is before we come the outright criminals and fraudsters.

    I'm afraid you will have to make do with facebook, or other social website, where people have some (!) control about what is made public about them.  Too much information is definitely NOT a good thing.  

    (That said,  I have not doubt that there is some organisation out there somewhere who will find out anything you require about anyone.  If you pay them enough, of course.)

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