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Democrats, why are you rooting for the coronavirus to spread for the sake of blaming it on trump?
14 Answers
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
He was the first in line to get a shot.(in secret)
- Anonymous1 month ago
none are.
that's right wing/ Trump propaganda
Trump lies because he's got next to nothing
- 10 months ago
we just want people to wear masks and not spread it.
i personally want it to end for the economy's sake, but honestly, as a student, corona virus has made school stupid easy
- 1 year ago
Wipe the drool off your chin, and listen up. He had a month he wasted, hes the worst president ever. No ones rooting for death, but we will give him full credit. #ineptpresident #trumpvirus #rapist #thief
- 1 year ago
Yes I do believe the "Donald Trump" card does have an advantage over the democrat cards;balances due to the "Donald Trump" card is republican. And democrats have an advantage of the republicans. But if you could still play the "Obama" card the republicans would be over the democrats but "Obama" would balance it out due to his advantage over the republicans. This is the FEKIN CARD GAMES SECTION.
Source(s): MY SOURCE IS FEKIN COMMEN SENSE!!! - Anonymous1 year ago
none are.
that's right wing/ Trump propaganda
Trump lies because he's got next to nothing
- BobLv 71 year ago
For the same reason that they are hoping that the stock market crashes and the economy has a downturn