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Buyer wants me to devalue product to avoid customs fees?
I’m selling some Pokémon cards to a buyer in Malaysia for $1400 plus $40.50 shipping. He wants me to devalue product so he can avoid paying fees. Post office advised me to put the correct value in case the product gets lost or damaged and it also comes with tracking. What do I do?
8 Answers
- Anonymous1 month ago
I would put the actual value and would not devalue them.
- 11 months ago
Do not lie. Also never put it as a gift because then you will have to pay the customs fees. Be honest in case something happens. I would put the correct amount so you can get full value for them with insurance if you bought it.
- curtisports2Lv 71 year ago
Do not lie on a Customs, form...ever. Falsifying value to lower duty fees can get the items seized and you have NO recourse.
- SquidmasterLv 71 year ago
Putting the corect value is a LEGAL requirement.
If you don't, and it goes missing, you lose the money.
Also, if customs challenge it, you'll be fined.
- TStoddenLv 71 year ago
You are LEGALLY REQUIRED to place the correct value for two reasons.
1) If the shipment gets lost / damaged / stolen, so you & the buyer can be properly compensated if something does happen. -- If you devalue the the product & it doesn't make it to the buyer, you'll have to pay the difference that's NOT covered.
2) Under-reporting (devaluing) can be considered criminal tax evasion -- With the paperwork between your banking institution (which handled the payment) & the post office, IRS (possibly their criminal investigation department) will likely investigate the discrepancy here as there's possible taxes involved.
Your buyer in Malaysia may be guilty of the same legal issues as well with their government, so it's best NOT to report anything but the amount your buyer is paying for the cards.