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I need some suggestions for a kingdom for my story?
Please for f*ck sake don't judge me
So all I'm looking for are some random Kingdom names (suggestions)
This is for a book I'm typing up and Yahoo just put this in wrong category
13 Answers
- Anonymous4 years ago
Whatever comes to mind or something you like. Maybe create name generator. How about names such as World Kingdom, good kingdom, or great kingdom.
- 5 years ago
What are the precepts and principles of your Kingdom? Is the KING evil or good? And are the citizens godly or ungodly? What is the topography where the kingdom is located? Is dark and dreary? Or sunny with blue sky an birds singing?
- JoJo PotatoesLv 75 years ago
Well you always want a name that is distinctive, so just keep adding syllables until it's unique. Some examples:
U get the idea?
...Show more - 5 years ago
Well, I had to choose between two for a reason like this before, so I'll let you use the one I didn't use. I was going to call it "Hayben Doverbub Kingdom" but decided on something else. You can use that name if you like!
- Anonymous5 years ago
Oh, here are some good ones!
Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (this is in a world where every noun is a consonant followed by a varying # of u's - it's a strange language and not very efficient tbh)
Brown Oak
Sorry I just pooped, I have brown on the mind rn
...Show more - BobLv 75 years ago
You should be concentrating on making the book as good as you possibly can, and not the name of a kingdom in the book
- Anonymous5 years ago
The Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Kingdom of the city, Kingdom of the vast commercial empire, Interstellar Kingdom, Galaxy Kingdom