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Do you play with jokers in the cards?
I was wondering about the card game for kids ..... war....such a simple game, but are 2's wild and do you use the jokers in that game???? How about A's, are they high or low?????
24 Answers
- Anonymous1 month ago
No I do not at all.
- 1 year ago
Yes, and who doesn't like to play with a Joker Card. After all, it's a trump card in the game and sometimes turns around the tables in one's favor.
- Anonymous1 year ago
Whenever I play losing is always in the cards.
- Anonymous1 year ago
You want to know how to play war?
Why should we tell you?
Most of war knowledge is secret.
What's your clearance?
- TStoddenLv 71 year ago
It depends on the game you're playing with the deck.
If the game allows wild cards (like Crazy 8's), the jokers are typically left in.
If the game DOESN'T have wild cards (like Blackjack), the jokers are removed.
The only game that would seriously leave ONE joker (instead of both) would be "Old Maid" as the joker serves as the game's namesake.
- Anonymous1 year ago
I only play with jokers tbh