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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesAustriaGraz · 2 years ago

Will public approval of the monarchy be impacted positively or negatively after theQueen’s death by the reign of KingCharles & Queen Camilla?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The monarchy will be impacted negatively in the UK and people in other countries will laugh at them. The tampon king and queen horseface.

  • 2 years ago

    Negatively. Charles is wierd and Camilla is not liked.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The Queen will be a tough act to follow even to those who don't share your prejudice.

    Much as Thailand will find with the reign of King Rama X.

  • Clo
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    You will have to see how Charles performs as monarch.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Now, let's see, sweetie. First, you expect us to tell you whether Camilla would have been content to remain the mistress, though we don't know her and she certainly isn't calling us up to discuss the subject. Now, you want us to predict the future.

    You have amazing faith in us, I must say. I'm so flattered, darling.

    However, we just can't help, which I know will disappoint you, given your intense obsession with Camilla and Charles. Despite your charming and touching conviction otherwise, we aren't gifted with pre-cognition or other paranormal talents. So, at least on the Camilla-as-lifelong-mistress question, I suggest that you write to her and ask. Perhaps if you let her know what a huge fan you are, she will reply!

    Won't that just make your day?! Your whole life, in fact!?

    Hop to it, sweetie!

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