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Compiling a wxWidgets program with gcc.?
I've installed wxWidgets installed on the desktop and I have a .cpp file already. The .cpp file is also on the desktop. I'm trying to run it using the command: g++ sample.cpp `wx-config --cxxflags --libs` -o test
However, I keep getting the error: g++: error: wx-config --cxflags --libs: No such file or directory
It seems to be that the .cpp isn't in the correct place. Does the .cpp have to be in a certain place?
1 Answer
- ?Lv 66 years agoFavourite answer
You've made a typo: `--cxflags' should be `--cxxflags'.
Note: you should prefer $() instead of backquotes.
Also, you should try and specify compilation flags and libraries first because libraries must be included before their symbols are required. "file not found" isn't a linker error, though.
$ g++ $(wx-config --cxxflags --libs) sample.cpp -o test
If it doesn't work (I'm concerned because I'm not able to reproduce the error), post the output of
$ wx-config --cxxflags --libs
And we'll see.