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Can humans really breath in space but our governments tell us we can t because they don t want us to escape?
27 Answers
- ?Lv 66 years ago
I'm sure that the government doesn't want any of us to escape. That's why the Federal Reserve's usury money system is busily making us all poor. Poverty is the new Berlin Wall. But, no, you can't breathe in space. That part of the narrative really is true.
- ?Lv 76 years ago
This has got to be the silliest conspiracy I've ever heard. We've known that space was a vacuum for centuries because of the research of scientists. The governments (there are hundreds of them) have no say in scientific facts.
Source(s): - PrometheusLv 76 years ago
Sure Humans can breath in space, as long as they have a space suit and plenty of Oxygen in their tanks.
Any moron knows space is a vacuum.
- ?Lv 56 years ago
Humans require oxygen to live. There is no oxygen in the partial-vacuum of space. As for your silly conspiracy theory, stop being a troll.
- ?Lv 46 years ago
Humans require oxygen to live. There is no oxygen in the partial-vacuum of space. As for your silly conspiracy theory, stop being a troll.
- 6 years ago
Yes only u can breathe in space & ur government tells u that u can't.. That's a very big conspiracy I've come across more than ufos & aliens...