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Heartburn so bad that it leads to coughing so bad that I vomit?

I've had this problem for a while. I get heartburn really bad sometimes, and when I do, it ends up making me cough incessantly. I end up coughing so bad to the point of where I end up nearly vomiting, or vomiting.

It doesn't really happen every day normally, but right now I'm currently pregnant, so I have heartburn pretty much every day, sometimes all day.

Anyone else have this problem, and what did you do to fix it?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My doctor recommended Tums or Rolaids. When that didn't work, he said try regular Pepcid, and if that still doesn't work try Prilosec. If that stillll doesn't work, he said to try a prescription. My acid was getting so bad, it'd wake me up. I bought off-brand Pepcid ($6 at Walgreens is a lot better than $20 namebrand!) and it's helped so much. My doctor said not to take more than two. I can take one before bed, and one after breakfast in the morning and never have a problem. I love being able to sleep now. Call your doctor before trying any of that though, but he should okay it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Try Tums or something similar. Then talk to your doctor about other options, since you are pregnant. You can try eating smaller amounts more frequently. Drink smaller amounts of liquids, but more frequently. Look up recommendations on diet restrictions for gastric reflux or GERD and follow them. For some people it is only one or two food items or eating changes that are needed. At night, raise your shoulders/upper torso in addition to using a pillow for your head - put your pillow on top of some others that go under your torso, or buy a wedge pillow.

  • 7 years ago

    So you go to the drug store and you can meds for gas or acid reflux.

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