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shoulda asked in Social ScienceSociology · 7 years ago

What would the Structural Functionalism perspective be on the rise in school shootings?

I am doing my essay for a sociology class pertaining to the rise in school shootings and the perspective that I will be using to interpret the information is....STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM paradigms. Thanks.

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Tough paradigm to use for school shootings. They may look at it as a dysfunction in the family structure leading to aggressive behavior. A dysfunction in the school structure that allows these shootings to happen. Serving a function such as raising awareness and security in schools. Serving a function of what not to do basically since these shooters are demonized and showing how this behavior breaks societal and social norms, morays, and folkways. Serving the function of raising awareness that there should be licensed mental health professionals working in schools as counselors. I hope this helps as I said it kind of shows more dysfunction than function but there are some, perhaps enough for a five paragraph essay.

    Source(s): Intro to Soc. A... Soc. Problems A...Intro to psych A... Abnormal psych A
  • 5 years ago

    Or black neighborhoods. If ya want to pull the race card. Jesus.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Stay away from white people that would be safe... :)

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