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If there was a DNA test to see if a baby was gay would Christians be for or against it?

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    While it is more of choice, I know a few "gay" people who finally just got bored and tired of it and chose to be straight, Christians should love the sinner but hate the sin. If they are Christian in deed and not just title, then they will not hate or be against the baby but also not be accepting of the sin. The correct thing to do would be to pray for healing of the baby.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Homosexuality is naturally present in all mammals, and that includes humans.

    And speaking as a straight woman I much prefer my nice natured gay friends to the drunken 'he-man' louts that frequent the pubs and clubs, or the blind, bigoted oh-so-righteous bible bashing boors one tends to come across on the internet.

    I know of no NORMAL loving mother or father who would have aborted a gay boy child.... that is what your question leads to, isn't it? Otherwise, why the test?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    There is NO TEST to prove that anyone is a HOMOSEXUAL.

    So your silly question is moot & void.

    HOMOSEXUALITY was, is and always will be a CHOICE.

    . . . . . . .

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