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Integral by parts?

The problem is: ∫ x^2 ( x − 1 )^5 dx

And the answer is shown in the picture also.

Can anyone help me out with the steps? It's supposedly done using Integration by parts but I'm unable to exactly get the answer.

Attachment image

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago


    let's write the integral (being d(x - 1) the same as dx) as:

    ∫ x² (x - 1)⁵ d(x - 1) =

    let's integrate by parts, letting:

    x² = u → 2x dx = du

    (x - 1)⁵ d(x - 1) = dv → [1/(5+1)] (x - 1)⁵ ⁺ ¹ = (1/6)(x - 1)⁶ = v


    ∫ u dv = u v - ∫ v du

    ∫ x² (x - 1)⁵ d(x - 1) = x² (1/6)(x - 1)⁶ - ∫ (1/6)(x - 1)⁶ 2x dx =


    (1/6)x² (x - 1)⁶ - ∫ (1/3)x (x - 1)⁶ d(x - 1) =

    let's integrate by parts further, letting:

    (1/3)x = u → (1/3) dx = du

    (x - 1)⁶ d(x - 1) = dv → [1/(6+1)] (x - 1)⁶ ⁺ ¹ = (1/7)(x - 1)⁷ = v


    ∫ u dv = u v - ∫ v du

    (1/6)x² (x - 1)⁶ - [(1/3)x (1/7)(x - 1)⁷ - ∫ (1/7)(x - 1)⁷ (1/3) dx] =

    (1/6)x² (x - 1)⁶ - (1/21)x (x - 1)⁷ + ∫ (1/21)(x - 1)⁷ dx =

    (factoring the constant out)

    (1/6)x² (x - 1)⁶ - (1/21)x (x - 1)⁷ + (1/21) ∫ (x - 1)⁷ d(x - 1) =

    (1/6)x² (x - 1)⁶ - (1/21)x (x - 1)⁷ + (1/21) [1/(7+1)] (x - 1)⁷ ⁺ ¹ + C =

    (1/6)x² (x - 1)⁶ - (1/21)x (x - 1)⁷ + (1/21)(1/8)(x - 1)⁸ + C =

    (1/6)x² (x - 1)⁶ - (1/21)x (x - 1)⁷ + (1/168)(x - 1)⁸ + C

    if we want to turn this into your answer, let's do as follows:

    let's factor out (x - 1)⁶:

    [(1/6)x² - (1/21)x (x - 1) + (1/168)(x - 1)²] (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    {[28x² - 8x (x - 1) + (x - 1)²] /168} (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    [(28x² - 8x² + 8x + x² - 2x + 1) /168] (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    [(21x² + 6x + 1) /168] (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    let's subract and add 42x (that is 2(21x) ) in the numerator:

    [(21x² - 42x + 42x + 6x + 1) /168] (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    [(21x² - 42x + 48x + 1) /168] (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    let's add and subtract 21 in the numerator:

    [(21x² - 42x + 21 + 48x + 1 - 21) /168] (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    (grouping terms)

    {[(21x² - 42x + 21) + 48x - 20] /168} (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    (factoring 21 out of the trinomial)

    {[21(x² - 2x + 1) + 48x - 20] /168} (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    let's subtract and add 48 in the numerator:

    {[21(x² - 2x + 1) + 48x - 48 + 48 - 20] /168} (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    {[21(x - 1)² + (48x - 48) + 28] /168} (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    (factoring 48 out of the binomial)

    {[21(x - 1)² + 48(x - 1) + 28] /168} (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    let's distribute and simplify:

    { {[21(x - 1)²] /168} + {[48(x - 1)] /168} + (28/168)} (x - 1)⁶ + C =

    {[(x - 1)² /8] + {[2(x - 1)] /7} + (1/6)} (x - 1)⁶ + C =


    [(x - 1)⁸ /8] + {[2(x - 1)⁷] /7} + [(x - 1)⁶ /6] + C

    I hope it's helpful

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