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Should England man up over Scotland ?
The problem is that if the Jock's get their independence it could set a very concerning president.
Next Ulster will want a referendum - which irish supporters will probably win as they now make up the majority of the population.
The Welsh will then start kicking off.
Cornwell already have their own flag and cornish liberation party (which is listed as a banned terrorist organisation). If they go Devon will want to join up with them.
The north will then start whining and form their own parliament.
Sooner of later the Uk will be just London.
2 Answers
- David GH UKLv 77 years agoFavourite answer
All the places you mention are far far too small to have any hopes of surviving alone even Wales which is the biggest of those you mention. Ulster is a divided union,divided between those Protestants who want to be British and the Catholics who want to join with the Irish Republic.
I think the UK would have to refuse a referendum to all those on your list.
- 7 years ago
If there was an option for the North of England to leave the Tory south and join up with an independent Scotland, i would go for it.