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Can I host multiple websites on the same domain ?
I don't necessarily need multiple sites but I can't think of a simpler way to explain it.
If I have a domain ie but I want to promote it in different areas for SEO purposes, such as :
When the person clicks on the link to the Cardiff site it will take them to the page for cardiff but they will not be able to see the other pages ie liverpool or birmingham
Because I want then to think I'm local to that area, ie if someone type dry cleaning cardiff into google and presses my link I want them to see the page for cardiff and not and exact replica for liverpool or manchester.
3 Answers
- 7 years agoFavourite answer
No, it's not possible to host multiple websites on the same domain. It's possible to host multiple websites on same IP.
- ChrisLv 77 years ago
You can easily set it up so people can go to
A website is a collection of web pages, and you can have pretty much an unlimited number of those on a single domain.
Or do you mean you want to automatically send people to the appropriate sub site depending on their location? While that's possible in theory, it's kind of unreliable and not recommended.
And why don't you want them to be able to see the other pages? It's almost guaranteed you'll get somebody annoyed as hell because they keep trying to see the cardiff site and end up on the liverpool one.
- ?Lv 77 years ago
Depending on your hosting company and your domain registrar, yes. But not the way you show. You can create multiple domain configuration files listing each domain. Then set your domain registrar's CNAME records to point each to the main domain.
So for as the domain name, these would become sub domains :
CNAME cardiff pointing at, or on most registrar's pointing at the @ record
wuld become
CNAME london pointing at @
would become
These become subdomains. you can then have a folder for each domain with the domain.conf file pointing to its' directoryroot, or you can do what the pro companies do and run the sites for mysql data and use one folder for your pages, all the sub domain names listed in one domain.conf as domain aliases, and use the same pages for everything but populate the html using php to read the address request and make a location specific page of it.
And Kein obviously knows nothing about web hosting. Stick to cookery questions.