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18 Answers
- 7 years agoFavourite answer
Prophet King, Jacred, and Ishtar defeated Aire, the Devil, and Jesus T. Christ the Scientist, Plummer, and Proctor of Humanity in battle and this is why they are on top.
- ?Lv 77 years ago
They are not. A few Christians might convert, and a few Muslims might convert to Christianity. Also, Christians and Muslims are becoming atheist. By and large, people tend to stick with the religion they were raised in. The only unusual change I have seen is atheism becoming a big thing.
- ?Lv 77 years ago
Occasionally a Christian living in a western society will convert to Islam (more often than not for the sake of a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend), but they convert as individuals and not as "droves." During the period of the Caliphate and Ottoman Empire, occasionally entire villages converted from Christianity to Islam for socioeconomic reasons, namely to escape the oppressive jizya tax leveled only against non-Muslims and to receive the money that the Sultan paid out to each Muslim convert. But I don't know of any instances of recent mass conversions to Islam, except for a case just this month in which over zealous Muslims in Sabah (a region of Malaysia on the island of Borneo) paid a bunch of illiterate Christian villagers some money to sign a form stating that they had converted to Islam. Only later did they learn they had been tricked and are now demanding the Malaysian government annul their supposed mass conversion!
Sabah Christians claim bribed, tricked into Islam
Ironically, I am aware of a recent situation in Georgia (Central Asia) involving Muslims converting to Christianity in droves!
A Mysterious Mass Conversion From Islam to Christianity in Georgia
- ?Lv 57 years ago
I converted to Islam because it made more sense to me than Christianity. I always wanted to only worship one God, and the concept of Christianity about Jesus (peace be on him) being a god always confused me. Therefore, in Islam I found all the answers I was looking for.
Peace be with you.
- ?Lv 77 years ago
Firstly, how large a number is "droves"?
Secondly, even if what you say is true, I would say those "Christians" were false converts to Christianity. They never truly repented of their sins, they never truly trusted in Jesus Christ, they were never born again and they did not know the Lord Jesus Christ. So they weren't Christians.
- Anonymous7 years ago
because we are good in math...1+1+1= 3:D
maybe you will not believe me(im a muslim), but i came across many stories about christians who converted to talking with them here and on skype too..........most of them think that the bible had been corrupted ....jesus can't be the son of god.
and the most important thing is that they still love christians which islam commanded us to do:)
hope that i helped and sorry for not posting links...i guess you could search on youtube by your own self and find the truth.
btw most of the converts are women
- Anonymous7 years ago
The women are a draw. And bonus pack 4.
- NousLv 77 years ago
Why do people make such false claims?
Are you feeling safe with such posts given the way the UK government is cracking down on Muslims who go to Syria and other countries to fight, those that support them and those that collect money for them?
Sadly it seems Muslims in the UK are actually harming your own religion!
- MikeLv 67 years ago
Must be very small droves. I haven't met one convert. - where are these "droves"?