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Right angle triangle shaped closet?

From 50 miles away I am trying to figure out if a particular shelving unit will fit into an oddly shaped closet. The closet is shaped like a right angle triangle, with the height starting at 99" and disappearing to zero, when the ceiling meets the floor. The wall along the floor is 112". I don't know the hypotenuse.

My question is: 4' in from the 99" ceiling height (as it diminishes to eventually zero) at what height is the ceiling? I hope the question is clear.

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Your hypotenuse is 149.5. The angle at the top is about 48 1/2 degrees, and the floor angle is about 41 1/2 degrees.

    Now shorten the floor measurement from 112 to calculate what the height will be.

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