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13 Answers
- 7 years ago
-moon is not together. It was split when when Armstrong and team brought back a piece of it. Too much warriors? The oppressed are not wrong. Just oppressed.
Short answer, no hard evidence disproves the quran
- Old Man DirtLv 77 years ago
The Quran is just like the theories of science- often the proof such things are wrong is found in the argument for or the text it's self.
- A B2Lv 77 years ago
Many contradictions.
And they say to read the Bible, and at the same time they say that the Bible was adulterated.
They say that Jesus didnt die in the cross and at the same time they say He'll come back.
They say that Jesus is not God etc.
Thousands of lies and contradictions.
- ?Lv 47 years ago
That bit where the archangel Michael came down and started talking. That and everything after that.
- Anonymous7 years ago
the same as for the various books of the Bible
"True and False" do NOT apply to poems and myths.