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Is there a wild forest where I can take photos in Selangor?

Tried FRIM but they are asking for 300 ringgit.


Indie artist here so I rather not spend too much money.

I was thinking about Frasier's Hill but nobody wants to go with me at that place (bad experiences and a forest is not a place where you go in alone even though I would love to).

There are some wild places here and there in the old towns but apparently its private property.


2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I was just about to suggest FRIM :D

    Have you tried the Klang Gates Quartz, whether it suits your needs.

  • 5 years ago

    I've been lost on a river at night. It was a fishing trip turned bad in the spring. It was at night because we were not prepared at all. We had one flash light that burned out 2 hours after dark. We couldn't navigate effectively. We were not dressed for the weather either. Everyone was freezing. A cellphone was the only thing that saved us. It could have turned into days, we had fishing poles and beer. I'm telling you this because I was cocky and I don't fish unsafe like that anymore. EVERYONE needs to a survival kit with them EVERYTIME you leave for an outing. If you are stranded with nothing on a river and you need to eat. You would have to sharpen a wooden spear with a sharp rock like flint and spear fish the shallows. You would have to eat a lot of bugs for protein to get the energy to spearfish, you'll need water too. Don't eat bugs you can't identify and don't drink stagnant water. You'd probably have to eat your fish raw. Most survival kits can fit in a mint can or snuff can. I've got mono, hooks, split shot weights, small round mirror, and matches in mine. I've got a fannyback with a set of extra clothes, emergency blank, water tablets, and some super glue for cuts. My last tip carry a good knife with you and a magnesium fire starter. Fire is a big confidence booster in a survival situation. And stay put, don't wonder around. Focus on your makeshift camp and make it comfortable as possible. This way when the rescue party finds you they'll have somewhere nice to rest before they get you back to your loved ones. A little humor there.

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