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shoulda asked in Social ScienceSociology · 8 years ago

I am a sociology major and I am required to interview someone w/ a bachelor in sociology....PLEASE HELP?

1) What is your currenT job position?

2) What experience or knowledge is required to do your job?

3) What types of projects or deadlines are you required to meet each day?

4) What is your typical work schedule like?

5) What preparation classes or courses did you find most helpful upon entering your job?

6) Can you suggest some ways that a student could obtain this necessary experience?

7) What is the biggest challenge that you encounter?

8) If you were entering this career today, would you change your preparation in any way?

9) What advice would you give to someone thinking about entering this career?


1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I have a degree but am currently unemployed because it is hard to find a job. I know that most people here require 2 years of experience. I do not work. I want to go for my masters. Advice: If you love it then go for it!

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