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Are there any countries that force its residents to to do certain things that are eventually beneficial?
For example, being forced into the military. It doesn't matter if it still exists today or not.
@Bob Thanks for that answer, but I was looking for an something a bit more specific, as in naming a country probably.
2 Answers
- Bob BLv 79 years agoFavourite answer
More or less every country does this to some extent.
For being forced into the military (called "conscription") see the link below. A lot of countries still have it. Those that don't often used to have it- for instance, the USA, Australia, and most of Europe have had it at some point.
Other countries have other programs that require involvement from citizens to some extent. Virtually every country requires its citizens to pay taxes to fund the government and public service.
Needless to say, different countries- and different people- have very different ideas as to how much of this is justifiable. Almost everyone agrees that at least some taxation is necessary for essential government services (although how much, and what for, are still contentious issues). Conscription into the military is a lot more controversial.
Source(s): - 9 years ago
Many countries have forced military service. Israel, for example requires 2 yrs service from all citizens.