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pura_rosa asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

Training puppy problem?

I have an adorable pampered Boston terrier, 12 weeks old, Housebreaking him has been challenging at the least, I recently purchased a dvd (the Dogfather set) and it included a training collar, sort of like a prong collar but plastic and much wider teeth, I tried it on my arm and I do feel an uncomfortable pressure but not really pain, the problem is that when I try to train my very smart puppy with it he cries, a lot, loudly, like we are killing him! He lays on his side hollering to high heaven! The DVD said he would do this as a dominance thing, however I worry! I checked his neck and it wasn't red or anything, I'm pretty sure I'm not applying too much pressure but I am confused, any ideas?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    You won't use a collar like that to housetrain. Housetraining is a long process that sometimes lasts longer for smaller breeds. At 12 weeks of age, he'll just start catching on and have the capability to hold his bladder for a somewhat longer period of time. Take him outside every hour or so and *walk* him around until he goes, then praise. Take him out every morning, night, and 20 minutes after he eats and again, *walk* him around until he goes. Walking will stimulate him to potty. You'll have to be patient until he catches on. When indoors, watch him LIKE A HAWK and get him outside if he looks like he needs to go. If you catch him going indoors, say no firmly, then take him straight out. If you can't watch him, crate him.

    At 12 weeks, actually, you shouldn't be using a prong or any other kind of corrective collar. Start basic. He has to LEARN what you want from him before you can correct him for not complying. Now is the time to be telling him commands like "sit" or "come", guiding him to do them correctly, and then rewarding him for doing so. Once you're sure he knows what you're asking of him, you can put the prong on him and correct him should you issue the command and he chooses not to listen. Just one, quick correction and then a reward **when** he does it right.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Try going to and search the site for how to train a puppy. The training collar may be hurting the puppy and the only reaction he knows is to holler and cry to let you know that he doesn't like it and it hurts. If the puppy is as smart as you say, you don't need this training collar. Just show a little patience; it takes a while to train a puppy and the training has to be reinforced frequently so he won't forget what he has learned.

  • 9 years ago

    Well, one of my beagles screams like that if we try to keep her from jumping over the baby gate, so drama queens abound in the dog world. That said, I don't know anything about the Dogfather training so I can't speak to the tool you have there.

    If you aren't comfortable using it, your dog will use it against you exactly the way he's doing now. For your own peace of mind maybe a different tool would be better.

  • 9 years ago

    I didn't use this type of training with my dogs. I used a crate and diaper method. I would take off the diaper when they went outside and peed or pooed if they didn't diaper back on or back in the crate. When I couldn't be with them they went into their crates and if they would have an accident they went in the crate or outside. It two weeks of constant work day and night I remember saying I never want to do this again but I know if I ever get another dog I will have to take vacation for several weeks to make sure my dog understands.

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