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Do you plan to vote republican or democrat/?

18 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer


    Republicans ruined our economy, never will I vote Republican again after they caused the financial crisis in 2008.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm not 18, but you don't need to be an expert to see the damage that President Obama has inflicted on our country. Obamacare is insane and expensive, while we have a healthcare problem, I agree with the Republicans that we need a more common sense approach to healthcare reform. Obama's economic policies are slowing our recovery down and unemployment is in the Shi**er now. He is applying something known as Keynsian Economics (demand side economics) an economic principle that has never worked. Romney isn't Bush, he is a hell of a lot better than Bush. Anybody who wants our country to default on our debt(causing a massive, and i mean MASSIVE economic collapse) and go the way of Greece, then they will vote Democrat. Whoever wants to save our country from that failure will vote Republican

    Source(s): I can read the news and have a brain -_-
  • RiitzC
    Lv 6
    9 years ago


  • 9 years ago


  • 9 years ago

    Most American students didn't pay attention in high school or college. The President is actually elected by the Electoral College, not the popular vote.

    To answer your question, I'm voting for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate.

  • 9 years ago

    Does it matter? I plan to vote for the best person that can run for president out of the two candidates. But If you really want to know Democrat.

    And Obama - why? Because he's the only sane out of the two. Quite frankly I wish that there was a third candidate; someone who actually would be a GREAT president. However there isn't and I have to go for the next best thing: Obama. Mitt Romney wants to run the government like a business - which is exactly how it SHOULDN'T be run. Government was not made to make a profit or to gain anything for itself(like a business is made). Mitt wants everything run like a business which just isn't good for everything. Another thing is that Mitt Romney really doesn't care about social classes - he really doesn't care about the poor people. Mitt actually said this! Here's a link to an article and video of it:

    How can i vote for someone who just doesn't care about a certain group of people?!

    Then there's the fact that he constantly changes his views on certain topics JUST to gain more voters! IF the republicans disagreed with one of his statements he took it back saying - he saw their side of the argument and changed his view. Afterwords he gained voters. He's a swing person who'll do anything for the popular vote. I can't vote for someone like that for president.

    Which leaves me with Obama. Which really isn't all that bad. He's done some good for the country while in office and really most of the bad things that people complain about with him weren't done by him. I mean take the debt for example - sure it increased while he was in office but MOST of it was done by Bush when HE was in office not Obama. People say that food stamps went up - however food stamps were higher during bushes administration AND what do you expect?! We just came out of a recession of course some people aren't going to be able to afford everything. I think really that the only problem with Obama is that he tries to please everyone and is too accommodating. Which is great - really but sometimes you just have to pick a side and not give because when Obama tried giving a little to republicans they wanted more. Every time he offered an inch they tried to take a mile.

  • 9 years ago

    Anyone who vote for any Republicans after what sane people have seen the past two years really do need to see a Doctor

    that is if that programs has not been cut as well in your state

    those tools need time out for few decades

    never seen anything like it before

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Republican if ron paul wins RNC. otherwise Gary johnson for Libertarian party

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I'm voting for the Zhghr Alien Consortium,

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    REPUBLICAN to Save America from the Dark Vader See I Told You So...Wooky

    Source(s): Love Is Like A Itchin In My Heart - The Supremes circa 1967...Whatcha Gonna Do
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