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Has the patch ruined the anti-air balance in BF3 for you?
hey just wondering if others now find the anti-air balance ruined since the last patch.
I personnally feel that all they needed to do was shorten the lockon time and it would've of been fine, but now there this stupid rule about not locking on before a certain height off the ground its almost a useless piece of kit. Helis just fly around 2 mtrs off the ground blowing everything to hell and theres not much you can do unless you get a lucky RPG. It also seems like they've shortened the range of the anti-air so pilots just fly low and if they do get a lockon they just fly stright up until you lose the lock.
I'g like the grunts position (ground fighters) and flyboys (pilots) I've discussed it with a few pilots and some feel its fairer however others have said its sooo easy now its just ridiculous. Most of my friends have stopped playing since the patch and I'm losing interest as well.
1 Answer
- 9 years agoFavourite answer
Ya here's what I think of it I'm not a good pilot but I can fly but Ived noticed that stingers and iglas are pointless and can't do anything because of the lack of range so now helicopter pilots can just destroy infantry and vehicles un less they have a guided shell
Helicopters are either really bad like on caspin or can destroy a team like on canals