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My babys neck smells sooooo BAD !!?

I am thinking it's from the milk. I wipe her little neck but it goes right back to smelling bad. Does anyone else have this problem and what do you do???

6 Answers

  • Megan
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    We used to have the sane problem with our baby. She's 7 months now and doesn't get it as oftn. We took her to the dr once because her neck wrinkle was really red and stinky. Dr looked, called it yeast, said to keep her neck clean and dry, wrote a script for nystatin powder to put on it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Sometimes what happens is a little bit of yeast starts growing in the skin folds around the neck and it can really smell. I'd make sure you clean the neck with a mild soap and rinse well, then make sure you dry her neck well. If there's moisture in the folds the yeast love it and things can get gross. If that doesn't take care of it call your pediatrician, they may have a recommendation for an antifungal that you can use on her skin.

    Source(s): RN
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Just tell her In a nice and polite way that the baby its neck smells bad

  • Sunny
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Oh yeah, that happens to all babies. It's from the milk dribbling down their chin and settling in to their neck creases. We usually put a bib on our baby before I feed her, that helps absorb some of the milk so that it won't settle in her neck. And you need to make sure you clean out her neck after every feeding. My pediatrician said not to use a baby wipe because that could irritate her neck, he said just to use a soft wash cloth with luke warm water on it and that's it. So I make sure I wash her neck out a few times and day, and when I give her a bath I wash it with baby soap really well and it doesn't smell anymore.

  • 9 years ago

    If her neck is that stinky I would recommend you put a vaginal yeast ointment on it twice daily for a week. She probably has a little yeast infection in the creases. It happens quite often actually.

  • 9 years ago

    I agree it sounds like yeast. Call your ped and ask for a prescription.

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