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Lv 5

Goldeneye Reloaded: What is the "i" marker for?

Specifically, on the "Archives" board, where Natalya must be rescued from the Defense Minister, there is an icon that appears above the radar, with an "i". It's similar to the photograph icon that appears when you need to use the cellphone to photograph intelligence information. Does anyone know what this "i" marker indicates?

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    optional secondary objectives are distributed sparsely throughout the levels, indicated by an (i) icon when you are in close proximity to them (these are not required to progress). Similarly, when your smartphone can be of use to you, a phone icon is displayed. It’s frequently used to snap photos of evidence or hack Wi-Fi points to set off alarms or reprogram drone guns—a cool idea.

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