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how can I replace XP with windows 7?

I have a desktop PC with XP on it and I have a new copy of winodws 7, I'd like to replace XP with windows 7 however the windows 7 install disc is not recognised by my DVD drive.

It's been recommended to do a clean install but how do I format the drive with XP on it?

I have two drives is it possible to put windows 7 on the other drive and then delete XP?

what I've already tried:

-put the win 7 dvd in the drive it tries to access but no pops appear

-I can't see the files on the win 7 DVD when looked at in my computer

-changed bios settings to boot from DVD drive- win 7 DVD accesses then system just boots XP

-I've checked system is compatible for windows 7 64bit or 32bit

- formattted and deleted extra partitions on PC with XP install disc - couldn't get DVD drive to boot window 7 DVD

-reinstalled XP and back to square one


windows installer never appears.

DVD drive appears to be working can read other DVDs

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer


    If u have 2 pcs, i can guide you through the installation process.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Put in your Windows 7 disc, and then go into your BIOS [usually by pressing F10 during start up], and switch your default boot medium to disc. When that is done, save changes. Your computer will reboot again, and you should be able to "press any key to boot from cd". Press a key. You will be redirected to the windows 7 disc installer, and you will be asked to format your hard disk from there. You can directly install windows 7 from the disc after formatting your hard drive.

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